비타민과 미네랄이 풍부하며 높은 소화흡수율을 자랑하는 PetAg 사의 분유입니다.

어린강아지나 허약한 강아지, 병중이거나 임신중인 강아지나 소동물에게 급여가 가능한 분유입니다.

All natural, no preservatives, made in the USA. A complete food source for orphaned or rejected puppies or those nursing, but needing supplemental feeding. Also recommended for growing puppies or adult dogs that are stressed and require a source of highly digestible nutrients. Esbilac is a complete diet for puppies fortified with vitamins and minerals. Esbilac s life saving formula closely matches bitch s milk in protein and energy and has set the standard in canine neonatal nutrition for over 70 years. Powder formula is easy to mix with water. To purchase this item, click one of the following: PETCO PETsMART Jeffers Pet KV Vet
Valley Vet UPCO